Are marriages made in heaven? Are marriages compulsory?

Are marriages made in heaven? Are marriages compulsory?

A Girl devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

‘prabhuji ! thanks for operating this facebook page. Everyone have some doubts, but dont know the way to clarify them. You are one of the sources given by lord krishna for getting clarifications for our doubts. my doubts is why we have to get married? Are marriages made in heaven? A soul have to search for god, but hear people are searching for soulmate? why, i dont understand? please prabhuji clarify my doubt!”


First, I like to clarify that whether to get married or not is everyone’s personal matter. There can not be a specific rule or conclusion for that.

Some people can not marry at all, if their karma is like that. Whatever attempt they make, they can’t get married. Because, they have taken birth to live as brahmachari(ni) and thereby clear their karma.

(Is marriage between initiated and uninitiated devotees advisable? READ HERE!)

Many people can not avoid marriage if destined, though they like to avoid. The marriage will be pushed into their life without much efforts.

As I am dealing with astrology, I know this well. I have seen the horoscopes of some people that marriage is not at all possible for them. They remained a bachelor for ever. If there is negative planets in the seventh, second house of their horoscope, they usually remain unmarried or face issues in married life. If they have empty second or seventh house or the same houses with good planets, they easily get married. If they have debilitated or combust 7th or 2nd house lords, their marriage too get delayed or denied depending on the depth of weakness.

In case they have Venus powerful, they too may somehow get married. In case they have Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in the 2nd, 7th or 8th houses, they will get marriage very late, ie, after 30-33.

We know well that Srila prabhupada was given birth to become an acharya and to liberate so many fallen souls all over the world. This indication can be seen in his horoscope. His Guru related house is very strong. So, he got the mercy of his guru and was chosen to fulfil his guru’s instructions.

I have seen the horoscope of Srila prabhupada that showed that he will become a perfect acharya in his life time. He had Rahu in second house. But, he married in his very early age. So, he had to face many challenges in his married life. Rahu separated him from family and made him a Sanyasi and also an acharya.

(Are marriage & spouse fixed by God? How? READ HERE!)

He made it as positive by dedicating himself fully for Krishna and becoming a powerful acharya. Thus, the planets give problems to us to take us closer to the Lord.  Srila Prabhupada made use of that negative aspect for going closer to the Lord perfectly. So, he became popular all over the world.

Ha Ha… I too am the best example. I had many misfortunes related to marriage. I too have dreamed about the marriage in my teen age, ie, before coming to ISKCON. It is natural in that age because we will be thinking that marriage is always a heavenly life. I too planned to become rich to keep my family happy with money.

But, Krishna might have denied me the opportunity to serve a single family, but, He gave me a very big family of thousands of worldwide devotees.

Sanyasa means this: Deserting a single family to serve thousands of people struggling in their families.

This is how we have to take negatives as BIG POSITIVES.

So, this marriage aspect is written even when a child comes to this world. So, it is always better to take the stream of life as it is.

If a boy or girl tries their level best for getting married but he/ she is unable to get a match, it is better to avoid the marriage. And, he/ she must dedicate himself/ herself in the service of Lord, instead of leading a dream life.

Next, you have asked whether marriages are made in heaven. Some marriages are written in heaven, and some in hells. It depends on karma.


We know Nelson Mandela who is such a wonderful person who selflessly fought for independence of Africa. He spent 27 years in jail. He married three times. He remained as a good husband as per the reports we receive. But, he did not get a perfect marriage life and even when he died, he was facing family problems. So, we are bound by past karma. Though we are good people in this birth.

So, we have to lead our life patiently accepting whatever we face. No need for lamentation.

Another question – why people search for soulmate instead of God. Who said searcher of god should not have family set up? If both husband and wife target the god, it will be a wonderful life for both of them. Only if the taste and target of wife and husband differs, the family stands as a barrier for realizing the god. However, still you can develop god consciousness fast if you have more problems. It is also a secret.

Marriage is not a soul-soul relation. It is for body & mind only. However, it is decided by our karma network based on our activities in ourn previous lives. Marriage is meant to have a sense control and avoid violations that are essential to undergo god consciousness. A soul can have relation only with supersoul, ie Lord Krishna.


This is the major secret.

(Three Ganas in horoscope matching for marriage – Full Details! READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.