Is Sense Gratification without getting children possible for devotees?

Is Sense Gratification without getting children possible for devotees?

Two devotees with similar query:

(1) A woman devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

Hare Krishna. My name is ……………… I am new devotee. Chanting 4 rounds from last 6 months. I am married 2 yrs ago. I have 1 baby also. Our financial conditions are too bad. My husband working with very low salary. So we both don’t want baby right now. Before becoming devotee we were using contraceptive. But now I came to know that it is not good. But my husband want sense gratification as before. He is not a devotee and doesn’t go to temple. He always allowed me to go to temple but now a days, he doesn’t allow me because I don’t want sense gratification. What should I do? Is there any way to satisfy him without using contraceptive? Because we can’t afford a baby right now. I also don’t want to spoil our marriage. Please help me out. Thank you. ”

(2) A male devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

“What to do if wife want physical relationship (because of strong desire and bodily need) but husband don’t want children (because of economical conditions). Please guide many will have this type of condition. Thank you”


Ha Ha. In some families, husbands do no not cooperate; In some other families, the wives do not cooperate.

See, the prime purpose of sense gratification is to get children. But, the present generation wants more sense gratification, but less number of children. This is the trend of kaliyuga.

This is the cause for many divorces also.

As per the scriptures, the husband-wife relationship itself is for getting children only. Not for sense gratification.  This is the basic rule of Grahastha life.

Our scriptures do not support using preventive techniques also.

(Is it compulsory to avoid physical relations not for child after initiation? READ HERE!)

So, they can’t have more and more sense gratification using preventive techniques.

The point is that the energy and cells should not be wasted without producing children.

So, the scriptures expect us to reduce the sense gratification.

All the advices given by the scriptures are for reducing the sense gratification only.

You need not follow this just because there are rules like this for devotees.

You should understand why such rules have been given.

If one involves more in sense gratification, he can’t grow fast in devotion.

When there is more attachment with sense gratification, detachment may become difficult.

(If One involves in illicit relations as per karma, why it adds karma again? READ HERE!)

When material detachment becomes difficult, naturally, attachment with Krishna may also be difficult.

So, one can’t ride on two horses (material pleasures and Spiritual advancement) at the same time.

That is why, it is advised to select the spouse after seeing his/ her spiritual status and whether she / he can follow the grahastha rules.

Even after marrying after scrutiny, if a wife or husband needs more sense gratification, then the spouse should cooperate.

But, without using contraceptives.

As said by Srila Prabhupada, if a couple is ready to make their children the devotees of Krishna, they can have s….x even hundred times and get as many children as given to them.

(How can a devotee girl protect herself from the Premarital relations? READ HERE!)

In case either husband or wife has more disturbances and like to have more Sense Gratification without getting children, they may choose the safe period of 7 days before and after monthly periods.

If the child is conceived unexpectedly, they should give birth to that child. Not to abort.

Whatever the case may be, if one likes to lead a devotional life of celebacy, they should marry and have well controlled sense gratification.

In case the spouse does not cooperate, then, have more mating, but be prepared to get children.

If that too is not possible follow safe period of every month though this is an inferior advice. I have given this advice to help the devotees who fear to avoid issues with the spouse.

Follow any method that does not involve aborting or using contraceptives.

If you are really serious to follow devotional way of life, reduce Sense Gratification without getting children.

(How to decide whether the advices of Co-devotees Genuine or not? READ HERE!)

Again I say: One can’t ride on two horses at the same time.

The best recommended way and some other ways have been given above.

Follow a suitable one.

The advice of following safe period has been given only to be used when sense control becomes impossible for anyone of you.

Also remember, having more s…x ONLY with the Spouse is not Sinful and it will not give hellish planets. So, need not fear. However, Spiritual advancement will be slow and the risk of fall down will increase if you involve more in s…x life even with the spouse.

Hence these advices.

If you are in a compulsion to give excess sense gratification to the spouse, give and also keep praying to the Lord Krishna to make your spouse cooperate with you in reducing sense gratification.

As a devotee guiding thru a Self regulated and trustworthy media, I can’t write liquidating further because I can’t write violating the actual advices.

My standing advice is:  Choose a spouse based on the realities and your future goal of life, not being induced by emotions and senses.  Spend as much time as possible for this before choosing a spouse.

My another reminder is:  There is NOTHING IN S….X ‘THAT MUCH’ AS EXPECTED OR DREAMT BY MANY PERSONS.  This is the verdict of the scriptures as well as so many experienced devotee couples.  Like eating more sweets later gives allergy or aversion to sweets, having more s…x will also cause allergy or aversion in due course of time.

It is done with more expertise even by the dogs than humans.  The goal of human life is to cross these temporary layers and get the eternal life with Krishna.  Review this point.

Another Point:  I have used decent & Permissible terms in this post because the search engines should send only the ‘devotees’ to read this Post, not the people with other taste (Ha Ha).  The terms “Sense gratification” can be replaced with “mating” (Ha Ha) that will be more perfect.  However, I have used those terms just for easy understanding for all levels of devotees.

Hope you are now clear about Sense Gratification without getting children.

(Grahastha Rule of ONLY ONCE A MONTH relations and Childlessness! – A Case Study! READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.