Promise to Krishna – Story

Promise to Krishna – Story

Once there were two friends in a village, they both wanted to become rich.

Being desirous of wealth, they went to pray at the small temple (Krishna deity) installed under a tree in their village.

The following month, one friend wins a lottery and becomes rich.

He goes back to the same deity and thanks the lord for bestowing upon him the wealth and promises The Lord that he will always remember Him and come everyday to worship Him.

The other friend, knowing that his friend got rich and he didn’t, gets very upset and comes to the deity and speaks very harshly to deity for not favoring him.

And he also promises to The Lord, that I will come everyday but not to worship you but insult you for not fulfilling my desire.

Both friends started going to the deity everyday, one to worship and the other to express his dissatisfaction/anger.

Few months passed, the friend who won lottery, starts his own business with the money and would go temple in the morning before starting his work.

The poor friend, as promised, would also go to deity everyday to yell at the deity.

A year passed, the rich friend, gets busy with his expanding business and would go to temple whenever he could.

The poor friend was still going everyday in the morning (whether it was raining, storm or anything, irrespective of any unfavorable circumstances).

After few yrs, rich friend was hardly going to temple whereas the poor friend was still keeping his promise with Krishna to yell at him everyday.

At the end of their lives, the Poor friend goes back to Godhead and meets Krishna face to face!

Being surprised he asks Krishna:  “How come I am here?”

The merciful lord Krishna replied:

“You never broke your promise to me and were there to speak with me everyday! I liked your commitment, determination and the relationship you developed with me! And now I can’t live without you.”

The Rich friend gets another birth to live opulently again.

Morals of the story:

(1) Krishna loves Pure devotional service performed with a pure natural heart.

(2) Liberation and Material enjoyment, He can provide to anyone, but pure devotional service He does not provide to everyone

(3) Always remember Krishna and never forget Him.

(4) Pure devotional service means performing activities for Lord Sri Krishna’s pleasure – favorably – anukulena krishna anusilanam. Not performing activities unfavorably – even though Lord Krishna is ready to bestow HIS blessings to both.

Mother Yasoda got Lord Krishna’s mercy and Putana also got the status of mother – but there is big difference in the bhava of those two. So we need to remember that service to Lord has to be performed favorably.


Krishna does not analyze His devotees so deeply.  He understands the feelings and pressures the devotees are facing in Kaliyuga.  So, though His devotees do not purify completely, though they purify themselves around three fourth, He accepts them at His abode.

When a devotee scolds Krishna taking some right, Krishna enjoys  it.

One day,  while cooking the prasadam for Krishna, the Liquid dish namely “Sambar” slipped down and went waste.  I went to the pictures of Krishna and scolded Him:

“This food is for you.  Then how can you make that waste? Don’t you know we should not waste the food? Wait.  Today, your food will come delayed by one more hour. I have to prepare again. You have to bear if you are hungry.”

Then, preparing fresh sambar, I offered Him with 45 minutes delay.

Krishna enjoys such childish exchanges and innocent scolds.  He will share that with Radharani saying “See, my dear devotee is scolding me”

Because, He is complete in all the Rasas.

(Communicate with God – Story! READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.