Was moon landing a hoax as said by Indian Scriptures about the Planets?

Was moon landing a hoax as said by Indian Scriptures about the Planets?

A devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

“Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Our scriptures and Srila Prabhupada say that moon landing was just a lie by the scientists. How do you take the differences between the scientists and our scriptures? Please clarify.”


We have discussed this matter in another Post also.  My simple reply for your question is that we are in a position to accept both the so called versions of facts about planets said by the scientists and the Indian scriptures.

Because, both seems correct beyond doubt.


Our scriptures must be correct because even before these scientists, our rishis and astrologers calculated the thithis, stars, bhavas, aspects, etc.

They exactly calculated when the ECLIPSES will occur even without rockets, cameras, rovers, etc.

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They got these knowledge through sadhanas and purity directly from the creator, God.

The Vakya Panchang written by them is operative even now.  They had written all the rules as VAKYAS, ie, sentences that match even now.

However, because the VAKYAS  came though the mouth to mouth for generations through rishis and vedic brahmanas, they differ in a few aspects as there may be some changes in the vakyas when they are transmitted through mouth from person to person.

In this kaliyuga, memory will not be strong for the people and they have defective senses.

Such changes are possible in mouth to mouth transmission.

Even now, let us take an example.

Just tell your neighbour that you were called for an enquiry in the police station and you attended and came back.

That person will tell his neighbour that you faced arrest by the police and came back on bail.

That third person will pass that message that you might have cheated someone and hence you were arrested and released on bail.

This message will go to the level that you were beaten by the police and you were released because of your political pressures and there is no justice in the country.

(Do Indian Scriptures speak about Multiple Stars and Solar System? READ HERE!)

This is the nature of mouth to mouth transmission of messages.

Similarly, our original scriptures might have the details with the right sequence of the position of the planets and they would have slightly changed.

If the scriptures were able to calculate the position of the planets perfectly, how can they be different in different scriptures?

If you take Ramayana and Mahabharatha, there are different versions such as Tulasi das Ramayana, Kamba Ramayana, etc that slightly differ from the original Valmiki Ramayana and Vyasa Bharatha.

So, they must be human errors in transmission.  Truth must be only one.

So, I do not hesitate to accept human transmission errors. I do not like to bluff forgetting these practical aspects.

Most of our scriptures of previous yugas do not have the same manuscipts written by the Veda Vyasa.

Veda Vyasa wrote a single copy of manuscripts, then they were transmitted through mouth through Guru-Disciple system.

Just before 1000-2000 years, they were re-written in manuscripts.

All of us are using them as proofs.

However, as said in Bhagavatham itself, though there are a few defects in those scriptures, we should accept them and they are still very effective.

So, the original scriptures should have all the details correctly.

As far as the scientists’ version of the concepts, they are trying their level best to explore the creations. Thus, they must have tried moon landing also.

Even the current science has forecast many climate changes, cyclones, tsunamis, etc.

Science has given useful gadgets, machineries, technology, etc.

They release videos taken in the Mars, moon, etc.

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Though there are controversies in man involved in moon landing, there may be chances that they sent rockets and rovers to the moon and mars.

They are going even beyond the mars to other planets.

It is possible for a rocket/ rover to enter into the atmosphere of other planets.

If one country says it, you can say that it is a bluff and taken on the earth itself.

But, many countries including India (Chandrayan, Mangalyan, etc) have taken the photographs of other planets and moon.

Of course, there may be no use in researching the other planets as it is a time taking effort and they are not going to improve the life of the people on earth.

However, we have to take these steps by the scientists as their curiosity to understand the creations of the God.

Most of the scientists do not deny the existence of God.  They have more curiosity to explore the creations.

Since the creations are countless and endless and our senses are limited, they can not fully explore all of them.

I have subscribed to NASA website and I am getting so many updates daily from them. I observe that they are doing something and I am unable to say that they are giving wrong information.

They are doing something.  I believe that they should have entered the atmosphere of a few planets.

Is it not possible to enter into other planets with the same body?

Possible, because we have seen so many characters in our scriptures who have visited to other planets with the same body.  But, it is not through science, but through their Yogic power.

A yogi can travel to other planets even by his thoughts. He can exist in both the places also.  We have such details in our scriptures.

In Mahabharatha, even Pandavas travelled to heavens and hells. We know Naradha rishi who can easily visit just by thoughts to other planets.

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Celestials are also in the material planets. When they can come to the earth, why can’t we go to their planets?  Both are material creations.

However, the persons in heavens have more yogic power than the persons living in the earth.

That’s all.

The efforts of the Scientists are subject to the permission of the God –Krishna.  He will allow them to understand His creations to some extent.  But, the scientists can never complete their full exploration of the creations because they can never even count them.

So, Srila Prabhupada has spoken based on the available scriptures. He himself has said that it is possible to visit other planets through Yogic power. Read his small book about travelling to other planets.

Science has limitations as it depends on the instruments.

Yogic power depends on how we master our senses with the help of the God.

If you depend on the instruments, you can never explore all the creations.

But, if you depend on Krishna, the Lord of the creations, you can see all His creations from being in His planet Goloka Vrindavana, even after leaving this body.

So, let us not accuse the scientists using the same devices they gave to us.  They try to satisfy their curiosity.  That’s all.

Our curiosity is to Go back to Krishna. It is possible even for an illiterate.

Let us concentrate in them and let us use the scientific discoveries in the service of Krishna and make them useful.

Hope you are clear about whether moon landing a hoax as said by Indian Scriptures about the Planets.

(Solar system & Moon landing – Views of Indian Scriptures and Science! READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.