Is fear for harassment after marriage right as body is for Krishna?
A Girl devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:
“Hare Krishna! I believe deeply in my love for Lord Krishna and hope that he will take me as his beloved wife. However, as a woman, I am afraid of the increasing cases of sexual assault that I see in the news. I fear that in a moment of panic, I might forget to call out to him for protection. Will Lord Krishna still come to save me even if I forget? And if my past karma has made me deserve such harm, will it taint the purity I have kept for him? This fear troubles my heart. Please guide me”
Fear for harassment after marriage is unnecessary. Why?
If one fears for the accidents, he can’t drive vehicles for ever.
If he has the karma of facing accidents, he will face even when he walks on road.
If one fears for electric shock accidents, he can never use electricity.
If he has the karma of facing electric shock, he may face even thru lightening while walking on road.
One of my neighbour is still using kerosene stove fearing for the accidents of bursting gas cylinders.
If one has the karma of facing fire accident, he may face even thru kerosene fire.
Thus, every incident in our life happens as per our pre determined karma.
One’s life after marriage too has been already determined. If a girl fears for harassment after marriage, she can’t get married at all.
One’s horoscope can give an idea of how the life after marriage may be.
So, if you have this much of fear, you can check your horoscope with a good astrologer.
Above all, one should marry with a hope that everything may happen well. He should have the maturity of facing both ups and downs of life considering them natural in anyone’s life.
No one is beyond the control of karma. We have takenb birth only because of our past karma.
So, we have to face the karma in every stage of our life.
(Are marriage & spouse fixed by God? How? READ HERE!)
Studies, marriage, owning a property, facing court cases, facing health issues, death – everything happens as per the predetermined schedule and process.
Facing the Se……xual assault or harassment after marriage too is already fixed.
See, today’s world is not like before. A husband can’t escape fropm the law if he harasses his wife physically or mentally.
Women have the powerful weapon of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASE to complain and punish the violating husband.
If the husband truly misuses your body, you can give report.
However, a wife can’t give complaint for excessive Se….xual compulsions from the husband because last week the Govt of India has told the Supreme Court that Se…xual excesses by the husband when the wife is not prepared can’t be criminalized because it can’t be legally proved.
So, before marriage, enquire about the groom well. If you have the fear of Se….xual harassment, you can discuss this matter frankly with your groom without hesitation, because prevention is better than cure.
However, a husband can’t physically attack a wife nowadays because she has strong protection of the Law. If a husband attacks his wife physically or even mentally, he is not a cultured person. So, he deserves punishment.
In such cases, if the wife feels difficult to live with that harassing husband, she can come out of that marriage legally and lead a dedicated devotional life throughout the life without involving in any form of violations thereafter.
(Are marriage & spouse fixed by God? How? READ HERE!)
However, you can even get divorce for the act of Se…xual harassments by the husband.
Our Scriptures do not permit a husband to beat his wife and the wife is permitted to leave him if she faces physical harassment.
So, do not worry for the physical harassments by your future husband by treating that your body belongs to Krishna.
The fact is the body belongs to the material nature because your body is nothing but the Construction by the five material elements – Soil, water, fire, air and empty space.
Only the Soul that is inside your body belongs to Krishna. So, keep your Soul always active in the thoughts of Krishna. Though the body faces some impurities, the soul will stay pure if it is always in the thoughts of Krishna.
So, just enquire well about the groom, talk to him before marriage and then marry him putting your faith in Krishna.
If any issue arises, you can deal with them later.
Hope you will not have the fear for harassment after marriage hereafter.
Best of luck.
(Are marriages made in heaven? Are marriages compulsory? READ HERE!)