Yogakshemam Vahamyaham – How to get Krishna’s Personal care to us?
A male devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:
“HARE Krishna Prabhuji. Krishna says in Gita ‘Yogakshemam Vahamyaham’.. He will take care of the needs of His devotees if they surrender. I want more clear example for this protection. “
Yes. Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita (9-22) that he will take care of the needs of His devotees.
“But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form – to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.”
Let us read a story to establish this:
A Poor Brahmana preached Bhagavatham or Bhagavad Gita got some money and lived. He wanted to show his skills to the king and get the good prize.
The king asked him the meaning of the “Yogakshemam Vahamyaham” Bhagavad Gita Sloka (9-22) that has been mentioned above.
Even after telling many times in many visits, the king sent him back without giving anything.
The Brahmana understood what the king wanted.
Sharing spiritual knowledge for material gains was his fault. Had he shared the Gita as a service to Krishna and worshiped him without any other desires, Krishna would have arranged everything for him.
He realized and started to serve Krishna as a service. Finding that the brahmana is doing a selfless service now, the king called him, heard his lectures and gave whatever wealth he needs to run his whole life.
This is the power of selfless service to Krishna.
If we serve Krishna without the aim of earning alone, but as a service, Krishna will make all the arrangements for our living in this world.
(Why Krishna makes devotees suffer against His assurance in Gita 18.66? READ HERE!)
This applies to our service too.
I do not tell this just for giving dry advice. I too have faced unimaginable/ unbearable problems in life when I started this service.
For the first seven years, I did this service with no ads, no site, no external support, etc. I was managing with my earnings from my business. Since I devoted most of my time for this service, I could not earn through business sufficiently. So, I decided to dedicate fully for preaching about Krishna thru a spiritual counselling website. To support that media, I had to start horoscope service.
Now, Krishna is personally arranging everything I require to serve Him better. He also makes me feel that He is doing them personally. Of course I feel His mercy.
This is what Krishna assures in the above sloka. If a devotee serves Him selflessly, He may give initial loss, but, He will add all the honours to that devotee.
When we honour Krishna, in turn He honours His devotees.
Yogakshemam Vahamyaham is not only for the devotees. Krishna protects even atheists by giving them food, shelter, essential needs, etc.
He protects all the animals, birds, etc, by giving them their requisites to live.
For mothers, Krishna gives their basic needs. But, He personally takes care of His devotees. This is what He says as Yogakshemam Vahamyaham in Bhagavad gita.
Srila Prabhupada faced two heart attacks in his old age while travelling to America in Jaladhootha ship. A normal man will contain all his movements if he faces two heart attacks in such an old age. But, Even after two heart attacks and without any Bypass surgery, Krishna gave Srila Prabhupada strength for more than a decade to fulfill his mission of spreading Lord’s Name all over the world.
(What is the Status of Srila Prabhupada in Goloka – Manjari or Sakha? READ HERE!)
Even after going to America, he suffered third heart attack. In general, it is very difficult to live after the third heart attack. But, Srila Prabhupada did all the achievements only after these three attacks.
This is a clear case in which Krishna personally enters in action to save His devotees.
Krishna has taken personal care even in my case since I was serving Him. Only expectation in my service is that it should reach more and more people and reform them to follow devotion properly. That’s all. Krishna has sent the devotees to follow, support and serve the service regularly. Without Krishna’s intervention, this service can’t be done by a single person. Hence this service is still continuing. I am serving only depending on Him.
(Why Krishna is attracted by Pure Devotional service only? READ HERE!)
Thus, Krishna is closely following His devotees.
Just serve the Lord and also continue to do your assigned duties. Krishna will make all the arrangements for your welfare and as assured by Himself, He will never let you down.
So, do not think that any service done to the Lord will go waste. Even a small service to the Lord will be recognized and responded by the Lord. He never fails to care His devotees.
All He wants is the Pure love and devotion to Himself. Just depend only on Krishna. If you do it, you are eligible to have direct/ personal protection of lord.
What I have written above is 100 % true and reliable. If you experience it, you can feel it in future, or, you too would have felt in the past.
Yogakshemam Vahamyaham – This is how Krishna Personally cares His devotee!