Why the devotees of Gods other than Krishna get married easily?
A devotee who requested anonymity asked like this:
“HK prabhuji. I am……………from Delhi. My friends are going to the temples of Ganesh and they got early marriage. But, I am worhiping kannaiya. I am not yet married till 29. why? when I read the lilas of gopis and kanha, I think why he does not understand the position of girls who are unmarried for long time, though he plays with gopis. shall i have to worship other gods also for marriage?”
That means, the devotees who do not get married have been chosen by Krishna to serve Him.
If that devotee enters in to the Grahastha life, he can’t get sufficient time to serve Krishna in large scale.
So, to facilitate a devotee to take up big responsibilities in serving the Lord, Krishna keeps them unmarried.
(Is avoiding marriage thinking Krishna as husband right? READ HERE!)
Actually, there are unmarried girls and boys in the sathsangha of all the demigods also. The people surrounding you may be like that.
Problems are common in this world. No one is exempted. The point is, Krishna devotees easily cross those problems because the Lord gives them strength.
And, Krishna will not offer any boon if that boon will destruct the life of His devotees.
You may have the karma for late marriage. So, Krishna has kept a boy ready for you and he will show him when you cross a certain age.
For example, If Rahu, Ketu is in the houses 1 or 2 or 7 or 8, the marriage may be delayed or disturbed. There are many such doshas to delay or deny the marriage.
So, the Lord will allow marriage after a certain age for you. Wait till that.
In some serious doshas, Krishna allows him/ her to remain unmarried and to serve Him with more involvement.
So, being unmarried is not negative. It is the special mercy of Krishna for you.
(Are marriage & spouse fixed by God? How? READ HERE!)
I have given the following words of Srila Prabhupada to show how Lord Krishna helps His devotees:
“Maharaja Pariksit very much appreciated Krsna’s activities for many other reasons. Not only was his grandfather Arjuna saved by Krsna, but he himself also was saved by Krsna. How?
At the end of the Battle of Kuruksetra, all the members of the Kuru dynasty, both the sons and grandsons on the side of Dhrtarastra, and those on the side of the Pandavas, died in the fighting.
Except the five Pandava brothers, everyone died on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. Maharaja Pariksit was at that time within the womb of his mother. His father, Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna, also died
on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, and so Maharaja Pariksit was a posthumous child. (He lost father before he took birth!)
When he was in the womb of his mother, a BRAHMASHTRA weapon was released by Asvatthama to kill the child inside the womb. When Pariksit Maharaja’s mother, Uttara, approached Krsna, Krsna, seeing the danger of abortion, entered her womb as the Supersoul and saved Maharaja Pariksit.
Maharaja Pariksit’s other name is Visnurata because he was saved by Lord Visnu Himself while still within the womb.”
So, if necessary, Krishna even shows direct involvement and solve our issues, if you are following Krishna beyond doubts consistently.
The Lord came as Narsimha when called by Prahalada.
Similarly, Krishna relieves a devotee from the unwanted pains by allowing him to remain unmarried. Krishna also expects that devotee to serve more and more devotees without any family interference.
So, don’t think that getting married is like entering into the heavens. It may be a hellish life also, for some persons.
So, After reviewing your karma accounts, Krishna might have protected you from entering into that hell.
So, it is the causeless mercy of Krishna.
So, understand like this. You will be relieved.
Above all, still only less than 1% of the devotees of Krishna remain as brahmacharis. Others get married and lead a blissful life. Of course, some devotees are suffering because of their serious karma.
And, other gods may give marriage postponing our karma, but, there is no guarantee that the life will be peaceful after marriage. So, it is not a happy thing that the devotees of Gods other than Krishna get married easily.
Whereas Krishna won’t give marriage if you will suffer in married life.
Hope you are clear why the devotees of Gods other than Krishna get married easily.
(Many devotees are unmarried. But, Non devotees Get married earlier. Why? READ HERE!)