Why Krishna liberates demons killed by Him though they are sinful?

Why Krishna liberates demons killed by Him though they are sinful?

A male devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

“Hare Krishna Anna. It is convincing to know that Krishna liberates His devotees. But, how to understand His liberating even serious enemies who tried to kill Him? Why should Krishna liberate those who fought with Krishna to kill Him? I can’t understand the reason. please clarify.”


This is the doubt for many who read the ithikas and puranas:  Why Krishna liberates even the demons killed by Him?

Actually, they may think that the kings or demons who fights war against Krishna and are killed by Krishna should be sent to serious hells for having tried to kill the Lord Himself (Of course, the Lord can’t be killed).

But, contrary to the expectations, they are liberated.

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This post is aimed to clear that doubt.


I too found this peculiar initially in my teen age. I too have asked the same question to the senior devotees during my earlier days in ISKCON.

Firstly, those who are killed by the Lord had done many good deeds and penances in their previous births that made them eligible for meeting the Lord directly. But, they opposed the Lord misusing their free will and got liberation in this birth after getting killed by the Lord Himself.

Let us take an example. A son is taking care of his father nicely and is adding good karma. He is behaving as a good son. But, he gets affected mentally and hence starts to act differently to his father. One day, he tries to kill his father when he was resting.  However, the father escaped with no harm.

Similarly, even Ravana and Duryodhana were good kings to their people. Just because of their jealousy and desires, they were killed.

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Ravana was a powerful Shiva Bhakta. He can go to even Kailasa and meet the Lord Shiva whenever he wants. Only his desire caused him death.

Thus, even demons have been the devotees of different deities/ gods.

When a glass of pure water is kept under the sun, it is dried by the hot sun. Not only the pure water, even a contaminated muddy water is dried by the Sun.

Similarly, if the devotees are touched by the Lord or associates with the Lord by heart or in person, he is liberated and taken to Krishna’s kingdom. If the demons or jealous persons are touched or killed by the Lord they too are liberated.

That is why, those demons realize at the time of death and beg for pardon for their sinful actions.  Krishna too forgives them mercifully. After His pardon, they too are purified from their past sinful acts.  So, they too become eligible for liberation.

Seeing Krishna closely face to face and getting touched and killed by Him is not an easy thing.  And, for the kshatriyas and demons, fighting the wars is their Swadharma. Because of the good deeds and pious deeds in their previous births, they are given opportunity to face and touched by the Lord directly.

However, as they maintained jealousy with the Lord, they were killed and just liberated. Otherwise, they would have been naturally taken to the Krishna’s kingdom. If they had remained the Lord’s friend, the Lord would have liberated them through the normal process peacefully.  They misused their free will in this birth to fight with the Lord instead of being His servant or friend or devotee.

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However, Liberation means getting relieved from material world.  That’s all.  After that?  There comes the difference between the devotees and enemies of the Lord.   What is it?

Lord liberates the enemies for the above mentioned reasons and settle them in Brahma Jothi with no identities.  That’s all.

Whereas, the Lord liberates His devotees and ALSO TAKE THEM TO HIS KINGDOM AND KEEP THEM WITH HIM.  He does not give His direct association in Goloka for enemies.

This is the difference between the statuses of the devotees and enemies of the Lord.  For example,  Vali and Ravan had done penances in their previous births and hence were killed by Lord and were liberated.  Those enemies realize their mistakes at the time of death and seek pardon from the Lord that purifies them.

Srila Prabhupada has said in his ISOPANISHAD lectures that the Lord comes as DEATH to His enemies.  But, He comes as a sweet Lord for His devotees!

So, for Duryodhana, Kamsa, Ravan, Vali, etc, the Lord came as death and gave them liberation.

He keeps His devotees with Him in His kingdom.

This is possible only for the devotees.

Now you should be clear why Krishna liberates demons killed by Him.


Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.

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