Is Krishna a Vegetarian or not as the kshatriyas are allowed meat?

Is Krishna a Vegetarian or not as the kshatriyas are allowed meat?

“A Woman devotee” asked like this:

“I am a pure vegetarian but my husband is non-vegetarian. He eats meat but not beef. We both are Hindu but he was born and raised in (overseas) and I was born and raised in (Indian city).  I always went  to iskcon temple while I was there and also took him with me as he doesn’t visit temple much.  One day we were debating on veg  (and) non-veg eaters.  He threw a very important point for me to answer.  He asked me if I agree that lord Krishna, Ram were kings and that way they were Kshatriyas in their avatars.  Lord Rams dad dashrath killed  shravans patents by mistake while he was aiming to kill deer.  So if Kshatriyas went for Shikar in jungle to kill innocent animals they would have also eaten them.  Kshatriyas eat non-veg and in olden days Lord Krishna and  Ram, being a Kshatriyas, must have eaten meat.”


This assumption has come to your husband as he sees the birth of Krishna like the birth of all of us.

We take birth due to our karma.  Whereas, Krishna takes birth  AT HIS OWN WILL.  We can not take birth as we like.  If you like to take birth as a daughter of your present father again, it is not possible as you like.  Your karma must approve it.

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But, Krishna can decide to whom He must take birth as a son.  So, don’t discuss Krishna like discussing about a Cine star.  Krishna is the Lord; Paramathma; Supreme Personality of Godhead.  He mercifully comes to the earth to elevate all of us by establishing dharma again.  He can not be contained in any caste.  When He wanted to come to earth, He took birth respecting the system of earth.  That’s all.


“Some say that the Unborn (Krishna) is born for the glorification of pious kings, and others say that He is born to please King Yadu, one of  Your dearest devotees. You appear in his family as sandalwood appears in the Malaya hills.”

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“Because the Lord’s appearance in this material world is bewildering, there are different opinions about the birth of the Unborn. In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He takes His birth in the material world, although He is the Lord of all creations and He is unborn. So there cannot be any denial of the birth of the Unborn because He Himself establishes the truth.

But still there are different opinions as to why He takes His birth. That is also declared in the Bhagavad-gita. He appears by His own internal potency to reestablish the principles of religion and to protect the pious and to annihilate the impious. That is the mission of the appearance of the Unborn. Still, it is said that the Lord is there to glorify the pious King Yudhisthira. Lord Sri Krsna certainly wanted to establish the kingdom of the Pandavas for the good of all in the world.”


“ Therefore, the conclusion is that the Lord is ever unborn like the sun, and yet He appears as the sun rises on the eastern horizon. As the sun is never the sun of the eastern horizon, so the Lord is no one’s son, but He is the father of everything that be.”

Thus, Krishna does not take birth actually.  He appears in this earth like the sun appears every morning in the east.  But, the sun does not actually come to the east.

Next, about the food of Krishna.  Krishna said in Bhagavad Gita that devotees may offer even a leaf, flower, or water, a fruit to Him.  He did not ask Meat.  So, Krishna took vegetarian foods only.

And, Vishnu is the representation of Satva Guna.  Those who represent satva guna will not eat non vegetarian foods.  As Krishna’s Guna avatar Vishnu is of satva guna, how can He take non-veg?

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And,  kshatriyas are allowed to kill animals in sacrifices and shikar.  It is permitted ONLY for kshatriyas.  As they are the fighting class, they are allowed.  Even now, in military/ security services in all countries, the security personnel are offered meat every day.  Because, they are kshatriyas and their bodies need more nutrients and strength than normal. We, common people are not allowed to take meat because our body can be kept fit by taking vegetables alone.

Krishna’s parents were kshatriyas, but, Krishna was grown up in yadhava family.  So, He was cultivated by feeding more milk and fruits.  So, this kshatriya systems are not applicable to Him.

In the tenth Canto Of Srimad Bhagavatham, Krishna goes to forest with cows and friends every day.  They bring & take fruits, nuts, etc., as lunch every day.  They did not bring meat to eat every day by killing some of the goats they were maintaining.

So, we can conclude that Krishna is a vegetarian.

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I have given this reply just to clear your doubts.  But, actually, we should not see Krishna in material angle like seeing ourselves.  So, I request you NOT TO DISCUSS  these things about Krishna in your family JUST TO JUSTIFY YOUR EATING NON VEGETARIAN FOODS.

We are expected to eat vegetarian foods that were offered to Krishna first.  So, tell your husband not to justify non-vegetarian food just because he eats it.  Rules are rules.  If he is unable to adhere to it, he must take sincere efforts and pray to Krishna.  Soon, he will become a vegetarian.

I dare to say that only those who are vegetarians can enter into Goloka,  the actual living place of Krishna.


So, ask your husband to quit meat eating and then try to practice Krishna Conscious saadhanas.  Engage him more in the satsangha of devotees that will gradually make him a vegetarian.  Things will change.

Hope you are clear about whether Krishna is a Vegetarian or not.


Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.

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