Why Krishna allows demonic people and their evil deeds on earth?
A Girl devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:
“It is there in Gita that, Krishna is in every corner of the universe and that everything is being done by Him only. Then the evil deeds by Duryodhana and till today evil deeds by people are done by Krishna? Then, why is he doing this? Please explain this query to me. Please. Hare Krishna.”
Here, we have to remember the system created by Krishna.
Krishna is so merciful that He has given a system of judiciary that both punishes and also allows us to escape from further punishments.
He has created Karma network that records all our deeds in every birth and allocate the type of our next birth according to our past deeds.
(Is karma the cause for being a good or bad person? READ HERE!)
To run this system of judiciary in a balanced way, Krishna needs the presence of offensive people also.
For example, consider that I have done bad deeds in my present birth – say violating the dignity of women.
As per the karma system, I have to take birth as a woman and be violated by many men in my next birth.
Therefore, Krishna needs a few men who violate my dignity in my next birth. Unless they violate, I can not be punished. isn’t it?
That is why, even bad people are needed in a world controlled by the karma network.
Krishna needs to make the availability of violators by allowing some other people to violate our rights.
Krishna does not force such bad people to violate others. Since they behave bad, He directs them towards us because we are in a position to get violated by others.
If a person has stolen others’ properties in his previous birth, his house should be looted in this birth. So, Krishna needs some thieves to direct them to loot his house.
Therefore, both good and bad people will always exist in all yugas except satya yuga. When more violations happen, there will be more reactions also. Hence, more people will be needed to implement the reactions.
That is why, the demonic people always exist on this earth.
Duryodhana is actually a good king who took care of people well. But, since he developed jealousy on Pandavas, He involved in all the offences.
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Why he did so?
Here only comes freedom to act (Freewill) given by Krishna. Krishna has given us free will either to involve in a sinful act or to perform good deeds.
Had Duryodhana used his Freewill ‘positively’ to share the land with Pandavas, he would have lived further and enjoyed his share of kingdom.
He misused his Freewill given by the Lord and deceived the Pandavas. This gave him all the bad reactions.
However, if we are the devotees of Krishna, we will always have a protection layer from the bad deeds of others. This is what happened in Kurukshetra war. Krishna was with the Pandavas and saved them from defeat because the war was so tough in which even the Pandavas could have been defeated. Since they acted as per the direction of Krishna, they were protected.
Therefore, do not expect a world without bad people. We only have to protect ourselves from the bad people by always keeping Krishna with us.
Hope you are clear why Krishna allows demonic people and their evil deeds on earth.
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