A Simple Remedy to clear the Sins of 7 Generations!

A Simple Remedy to clear the Sins of 7 Generations!

Kanchi Sankaracharya (Late) Sri Chandrasekarendra Swami gave a Simple Parihar (remedy) to be done to get rid of the sins committed in seven births!

Kanchi Acharya suggested the best remedy to remove all the sins committed in seven births.

We will see about that in this post.

(Krishna Helps To Clear the Karma of Devotees! A Stunning Proof! READ HERE!)

Knowingly or unknowingly, planned or unplanned, we commit any sins against others. We hurt someone’s heart.

Our current birth is because of our past karma. Shastra says that the reason for taking this birth is to clear the reactions for the actions done in the previous births. The Scriptures also say that when one takes birth, seven generations of sin are included in that birth to face reactions.

To get rid of all these sins, Kanchi Acharya, recommended a remedy that is very easy.

There is a way to get rid of all the sins one has committed in seven generations knowingly or unknowingly.

A handful of rice flour should be taken on Saturday. Keep it in your hand and perform Surya Namaskar. After praying fervently, one should visit the nearest temple where the deities like Ganesha is installed under a tree.

There, One should crawl three times and sprinkle rice flour around the deity. Ants will come towards that powder. The ants will come in a row and take it away. If the ants carry away the rice flour that you put, many of your sins you committed knowingly and unknowingly, will be removed.

Is that all? The ants do not digest the whole tamarind powder that has been carried away. He has to store food for the rainy season.


Usually, the rice becomes unusable in due course of time. But, The ant’s saliva makes the rice flour lose its perishability. This flour or powder will remain intact for two and a quarter years. The powder brought by the ants kept in a hidden place for two and a quarter years are being looked after by thirty three crore gods.

Planetary positions change once every two and a half years. Then the quality of rice powder will also change. That is why the Scriptures say to apply rice flour to the ant often. If a single ant eats a single drop of rice powder that we put, it is equivalent to feeding a hundred ancestors.

It also helps to get rid of Shani Bhagawan’s troubles. Shani Dosha like Sade Sati (7.5 years period of saturn), Ashtama Shani, Ganda Shani, Arthashtama Shani, etc. will not cause much impact or bad results.

That is why Rangoli is customary in Indian culture. That rice flour becomes food for ants and insects, says Kanchi Acharya.

That is why, our Scriptures recommend to donate or help others and offer food to the needy. If the mercy is this much even if we feed the ants, how beneficial it will be if we feed the needy people.

So, if we sacrifice something to make others happy, it will clear our negative karma. If we also focus on Krishna, after clearing karma, we will go back to Krishna that is our supreme destination.

This Simple Remedy to clear Sins of 7 Generations can be followed by everyone of us!

(Atoning for the sins of this birth in this birth itself! READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.