Divorce & Remarriage reduces Doshas and Karma. Is it true?
A woman devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:
“Hare krsna, Pamho, AGTSP! Are marriages decided from before? Is our husband decided from our karma? when we fall in love with someone, is the lover decided from our past karma? What is karma actually? For example if a cat eat the mouse, and the mouse dies, is it that the death of the mouse was certain by the cat because of the past karma? If some one dies out of cancer, is it due to his past karma.
I am so frustrated and confused with this karma? Can u plz clear?
I got married to a ………..and he is From Abroad. After marriage, he went Abroad, and within a week I also went to live with my husband. Suddenly, he started ignoring me. We both didn’t know, what’s going on, whats happening. He thought that its all because of our both grahas. So, we decided to get divorced for 3 months and then again re marry.
I came back to my home, because once you get divorced your dependent visa is over and you cannot stay after the expiry of visa. When three months was over, he denied to come back. I got worried and came to my in laws crying that your son left me. We both use to talk to each other.
If I had married a different person I would be happy or in my karma there is no happiness?
I just want some solution, plz help me for bringing us back together and lead a happy married life.”
This is a trick followed by your husband, it seems, to escape from his responsibilities. How can he refuse to accept you again? You have taken a risky action of divorcing him. Though you had parted him for a few months without divorcing, the doshas would have come down. Official divorce is not necessary as it is risky and there will be no guarantee for re-union.
As per the scriptures, though a wife goes away from husband for one day/ night without the consent of husband, it is treated as separation.
Yes. We are all controlled by the strong and well planned network of karma. Karma network is like a silent court that rewards as well as punishes us.
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In your case, though you are mostly a good person in this birth, you might have disturbed any couples in your past birth(s) and might have separated them. You do not remember your activities in the previous births. So, your marriage life got separated in this birth as per the reactions of your past karma.
If your karma is to suffer thru a husband, you will definitely marry a person who will give problems to you. The situation will lead you towards it. Your thoughts will make you to do certain things that may lead to problems. This is the strength of karma.
So, as asked by you, you could not have married any other person who lives with you for ever. You married this person as per your karma, ie, to clear your past karma. So, it is for your goodness only, as you are clearing your karma by facing the reactions. There is no chance of bribing and escaping in this court of karma.
However, don’t worry. There is a good news for you. There are no material solutions for this problem. Only a spiritual solution is there. As the material court’s punishments are forgiven by the president of a country when we send mercy petition, there is only one way to escape from karma court, by sending mercy petition to Krishna who is the source of the whole creations.
How? Chant Hare Krishna atleast 16 rounds every day. This is the mercy petition to Krishna.
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What else should you do?
Start living for Krishna, not for your pleasure. Surrender to Krishna. Accept a bonafide spiritual master. And , sincerely follow all the rules and regulations of an initiated devotee. Once, you accept a bonafide spiritual master and start to follow the rules, all your past karma will be suspended and you take a new birth.
How a spiritual master can purify us? Because, he comes in the chain of disciplic succession starting from Krishna. So, he is in the parampara of Krishna. As you too connect in that chain, you too join the parampara of Krishna. Then, you are coming under the supervision of Krishna.
So, your karma is under suspension until you follow the rules of diksha. This is the power of a bonafide spiritual master.
So, I advise you to take up Krishna Consciousness still seriously under the guidance of a bonafide spiritual master and lead your material life just as a duty, not with attachment. Within months, you can notice changes in you.
Now, let me encourage you in another astrological angle. As per the astrology, there may be Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn, or Mars in the First, Second, seventh or eighth house of your horoscope or 7th and 6th houses would have been connected. Please check it. For those persons, marriage life faces some issues.
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But, there is a relief. You both have divorced like playing a game very easily. Let it be. It has already happened. But, it may be for good in your case. Because, if you have “Mangal dosha” or “Naga dosha” or “Shani dosha”, it is usually reduced once your first marriage fails.
As your first marriage has been divorced, your dosha would have reduced. Yes, Is it true that Divorce & Remarriage reduces Doshas, but does not clear that Karma. That karma is kept pending to be faced in the next birth. You may lead a happy life in this birth, but the escaped karma will be given in your next birth. So, when remarrying same divorced person or another person, that dosha may not affect you seriously in this birth as it has been taken to the next birth.
However, if the past karma is not serious but just a short term suffering in this birth, that karma too may go with a few months or years of suffering thru first marriage. However, women are not encouraged divorce and remarriage as the scriptures do not mention so.
So, you can marry him. Show him this message and encourage him. Also, check, whether he has the fear of dosha, or any other physical/potency issues (or) inferiority complex, etc. If he has, let him consult a doctor. All problems can be cured with the scientific advancement.
Whatever it is, when your marriage failed once because of doshas, it may usually be reduced after the divorce. So, remarrying the same divorced person reduces doshas, but that karma of suffering will be taken to the next birth. That is the point to be noted here.
However, other than doshas, if the marriage breaks because of other serious planet structures, any number of marriages a person faces may fail. Second marriages may be less severe only in the case of doshas. Other reasons may be life long reasons.
However, since the karma of sufferings in marriage will continue in the next birth if we divorce now, the scriptures do not encourage divorce or second marriage, but they recommend us to accept these happenings as per our karma. Divorce & Remarriage reduces Doshas but remarrying after living with another person is not a great thing because we escape from the karma and try for peaceful or happy life thru another person. Because of our escape, we will get rebirth to face that pending karma of facing problems thru marriage. So, the scriptures do not recommend it.
However, In your case, you are not going to remarry any other new person, but, the same husband. So, no need for any hesitations.
So, marry again and live happily. Always talk and behave positively with him.
Hope you are clear about whether Divorce & Remarriage reduces Doshas and Karma.
Best wishes for your good married life.