Face the Problems Boldly – Story!
A male and female birds were living happily in a forest.
The female bird became pregnant and started laying eggs. Both birds were very happy to become parents.
One day, when the two birds left the nest to look for prey, a snake climbed up the tree, thinking that this was the time, and ate all the eggs.
When the birds returned, they were shocked to see that there were no eggs in the nest.
The female bird cried and cried, but the male bird consoled her and made peace.
In this way, the birds lost their eggs many times.
Finally, the birds discovered that it was the snake under the tree that was taking the eggs, but the female bird cried, saying that she was not strong enough to fight the snake.
The female bird suggested that we leave here and go to a quiet place, to which the male bird asked if we would leave if we faced any other trouble in our new place.
The male bird said that we would stay here and think about how to find a solution to this problem.
Then the male bird went to his friend the fox and said, “Friend fox, a snake is eating all the eggs that my wife lays. We don’t know what to do. You should tell us a strategy for this.”
The fox thought for a while and came up with an idea.
“Bird, go to the king’s palace and grab the precious jewel or diamond necklace that the queen is wearing there and throw it into the snake’s hole.”
The bird grabbed the queen’s jewel and flew away, and the guards followed the bird.
As soon as the bird approached the snake’s nest, it left the jewel necklace in the nest and left.
The guards went to the nest and tried to take the jewel necklace with the spear in their hand.
Then the snake inside the nest hissed angrily and came out.
Seeing the snake, the guards hit the snake with the spear in their hand and the snake died on the spot.
The birds on the tree were overjoyed to see these scenes.
After that, the birds lived happily with their baby birds.
If you run away from trouble out of fear, your problems will only increase. Some people leave the village due to debt and other family problems. This story is dedicated to such people. Just Face the Problems Boldly!
(Kshatriya Dharma – Story! READ HERE!)