Will Krishna punish if a boy and girl of different religions marry?

Will Krishna punish if a boy and girl of different religions marry?

A boy devotee asked like this with the request of anonymity: ( I have edited the religion and some texts)

“hare krsna prabhuji. y d religion and sastras so supressing. control dis and dat, live in dat way, cant do this cant think that. caste system inferior and superoir. y we have to give up eating dis and dat..(like onion,garlic,tea) is it not enough jst to chant and remember Lord Krsna.

I love a girl but she’s from ———religion. I want to marry her and she wants to marry me . but i m still not settled and have a job, am in my last year of degree. and she agrees to wait for me but her parents are not because she tells me that her parents won’t wait that long.. she understands and accepts that it takes time to settle and that she is ready to wait but her parents are not. she is ready to adopt my religion and follow. but she says simultaneously she will follow hers too. she says her parents wont approve of me because of difference of our religion that hurts me. Does love have no place in this world. does love have no importance?. she says if her parents would say no den she would accept it as she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings and I respect that. but it hurts to both of us that we can’t be together because of a religion difference. Would Krsna Hate me beacuse i loved her? would i be punished by Lord because I love her? if by the mercy of lord Hari.. if we get married then how should I live a grahastha life with my wife as she would be of different religion and how can I or how should I or in what way i can advance in Krsna Consiouness along with my wife and our future kids or generations, dis is my main concern too.

does Krsna looks for a persons religion background or his caste. what is necessary HERE.?? what does shastra says and vedas say. would i be rescued if we both follow and believe Krsna,(i simply loved her dats it, i didn’t see anything wrong in it. I REALLY NEED YOUR ADVICE. PLEASE PRABHUJI!!! Hare Krsna.”


First of all, I like to state that the persons from any religion can become a Krishna devotee and Krishna will accept him. Krishna does not see our religion or caste. He sees OUR CONSCIOUSNESS only.

That is why Srila Prabhupada named the movement as “International Society for Krishna Consciousness“. That is uplifting us from material consciousness to Krishna Consciousness!

(Is it possible for persons from all castes to practice devotion to Krishna? READ HERE!)

So, you need not fear for any punishment from Krishna if you marry a girl from another religion. Religions are just some social and spiritual guidelines and the way of life. That’s all.

There are different boards for education like CBSE, ICSE, STATE BOARDS, etc. Every board has separate syllabus for the students. But, all these boards can make one ready for job.

Similarly, Religions are like the text books or guidelines that help us to lead a regulated life and get elevated to higher consciousness. If there are no regulations, the society will be full of chaos and there will be no safety for the people. So, religions came to regulate the people.

Though every religion follows different methodology, their objective is One: Elevation of the people to the higher consciousness and to get the love of God.

Without knowing this basic purpose of religions, the people are fighting in the name of religions! Pitiful people!

So, you need not worry about Krishna’s anger because the persons of different religions marrying, or, persons from different religion worshipping Krishna. He will accept all equally. Anyone from any state can come up in Krishna Consciousness.

For example, Haridas Thakkur was also from another religion and Sri Caitanya Maha prabhu accepted him and made him a great devotee of Krishna. There were many devotees from other religions in the devotee list of Sri Caitanya Maha prabhu.

(Is having association with friends of other religions & Sects wrong? READ HERE!)

Srila Prabhupada has also created such examples. Thousands of boys and girls from other countries/ religions embraced Krishna Consciousness and have become very dedicated devotees.

So, Religion is not a barrier for devotion.

What about marriage?

Will Krishna punish if a boy and girl of different religions marry?

But, if a boy and girl from different religions that have contrary principles marry as in your case, there is only one condition: BOTH OF YOU SHOULD REMAIN THE SERIOUS DEVOTEES OF KRISHNA FOLLOWING ALL THE RULES RECOMMENDED BY SRILA PRABHUPADA. Why?

If both of you are not serious devotees, but belong to different religions, you may have to face some problems in marriage life because of THE DIFFERENCES IN THE LIFE STYLES OF BOTH OF YOU. She may have some preferences and practices. You may have still stricter or contrary practices.

Though the first 5-6 months will go smoothly during the initial period of enjoyments, these differences may crop up when the sex life becomes diluted and the couple start to come to the real life surrounded by the problems. That girl would have followed certain practices RIGHT FROM HER BIRTH. So, it may be difficult to change her certain characters.

The priorities in life for both of you will be different. One may be VERY MUCH attached to meat eating daily and another may hate meat or limited meat. One may be emotionally aggressive and another may be satvic. Unless you take them sportively, some problems may arise.

(What are the destinations after death for different religions? READ HERE!)

So, think 100 times before marrying a girl from different religion whether you can REALLY COPE UP with her lifestyle even after the end of honeymoon period of 6 months. Now everything may seem ACHIEVABLE because you are in love. Love is hiding your INNER VISION.

Usually, my recommendation is: Marry girl/ boy from different religion/ caste ONLY IF BOTH OF YOU COME IN TO A COMMON POINT – ie, AS SERIOUS KRISHNA DEVOTEES!

Now, both of you would have come out of the religion and united under the umbrella of Krishna Consciousness. So, both of you will follow the same rituals and food practice. So, chances are there for smooth life.

If both of you are very casual in Krishna Consciousness and do not follow the rules strictly and still have some attachments with the practices of both your religions, do not marry UNTIL BOTH OF YOU BECOME SERIOUS DEVOTEES!

I have given these advices for the long lasting marriage life. Personally speaking, I support marrying within the same religion.

Or, A SERIOUS KRISHNA DEVOTEE (from any religion) AND ANOTHER SERIOUS KRISHNA DEVOTEE (from any religion) can marry!

If marrying within the religion is not possible for any two people, BOTH SHOULD FIRST BECOME SERIOUS KRISHNA DEVOTEES and then marry from any religion.

This is my firm opinion that I am advising everyone.

For me, there are only one religion – Love towards the Supreme God without hating others’ worships though you call God in different names!

Hope you are clear about whether Krishna punishes if a boy and girl of different religions marry.

(Why the scriptures say that the inter caste marriage affect the ancestors? READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.