Is adopting a child allowed as per karma rules?

Is adopting a child allowed as per karma rules?

A woman devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

“Hare krishna prabhuji. We are trying to conceive a baby but it is not happening bcz of my husband low sperm count we tried naturopathy and ayurveda but we fail to conceive. Allopathy doctors said IVF is the only way. But it’s very expensive and unnatural. Sometimes I feel we can adopt a baby. Will adoption be good option as per shastra? If yes how to do that? Ifeel afraid that if i can conceive after the adoption how my husband will behave with that adopted baby?Pls guide us.



Adopting a child is not right as per the karma rules.

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If a boy and girl are destined to have no child, they should live accepting that karma.

That means, they would have acted against a child in their previous birth or they might have prevented or stopped the birth of a child by aborting it.

Abortion is a serious karmic act because, we block the right of that child to take birth and live for a certain years.

Because of aborting and preventing the child from taking birth and live, we would have added the karma of having no child in our next birth.

So, we should accept that karma and live without a child throughout the current life.

By leading a life without having a child, we will clear our karma of having no child in this birth.

(Is marrying, but not getting children allowed for the devotees? READ HERE!)

So, we will have a nice child in our next birth.

If we adopt a child, we will violate our karma of having no child by getting a child got by others.

So, we will enjoy the company and benefits of having a child in this birth in spite of our karma of no child.

So, if we enjoy the company and comforts of having a child by adopting, Our karma of having no child will be postponed to our next birth.

That means, we will not have a child in the next birth too.

And, we will also not be able to adopt a child in our next birth as the conditions will be tightened that will prevent our getting a child through adoption.

Therefore, it is good to accept and face the karma of having no child in this birth itself.

However, you can get a child thru treatments thru the sperm.of husband only, not getting sperm donation that is a violation and polygamy. A single person’s 1 or 2 ml. of semen will produce 100 or more children. But the actual father is that sperm donor only. So, it is polygamy that is not permitted ethically.

A girl devotee had asked in. comments:

“Hare krishna prabhuji then it can be also applied for taking medicines for diseases bcz it also against karma I understand it from this post.pls guide the right”


You can get a child by any means using the sperm cells of husband even thru modern techniques. Only if karma expects u to spend for doctors, such situation will arise. So, getting a child thru treatments is allowed by karma rules. Even during Krishna’s avatar period, such treatments were there.

Another devotee in comments:

If we adopt to add a good karma in our life or to give a good life to an orphan baby or poor baby by adopting him/ her. Will it be recognise as an bad karma?


Help the orphanages. Dont try to have the benefits of having child by adopting. Though u legally adopt, it is not your baby as per sastras. Only if got thru the hudband’s sperms, it is his child.

Point is, though you adopt a child, you can say that it is your adopted child, not your own child. You just got thru some paper works legally.

Legal ownership need not mean moral ownership.

Hope you are clear whether adopting a child is allowed as per karma rules.

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