If a devotee Girl marries a casual devotee meat eater, is it good?

If a devotee Girl marries a casual devotee meat eater, is it good?

A Girl devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

Hare Krishna prabhuji. Please hide my name. I am in great mental turmoil for the past few days. There was a boy in our school whom I liked a lot. He was and still is my very close friend. I developed feelings for him and even told him so. He told that he doesn’t have similar feelings and it ended there. But my feelings for him has never gone and after so many years also it is still disturbing me. Since my childhood I have been worshipping Krishna. I consider Him as my lover and husband. When I started developing feelings for that boy I couldn’t understand how is it possible because I love Krishna a lot. It also took me in a state of depression. One primary reason of my liking the boy was that he also worshipped Krishna. He has Laddo Gopal at his house and he told me that he treats Laddo Gopal like a brother and tells Him everything. He still worships Gopal but he is not a serious devotee. He is a meat eater. Recently I got a dream that I am worshipping Laddo Gopal at his house. I told him and he made me have darshan of Gopal. He still treats Gopalji like a brother and again made me attracted to the boy. My feelings for him are not physical but I just want to have his company, marry him and serve Krishna together. But he doesn’t think of me like that and its making me depressed. I know he is not a serious devotee but I still cannot get over him. I really want to get over this and concentrate entirely on Krishna’s service. But I also want to keep our friendship. He has been my friend for a very long time. Please help me Prabhuji what should I do?


If a devotee Girl marries a casual devotee meat eater, that means, she does not know the value of her devotion

Being a serious devotee for Krishna is a status given by Krishna Himself.

A devotee should consider himself/ herself as a fortunate soul chosen by Krishna as He Himself Picked him/ her from among thousands of people as said by Krishna Himself in Bhagavad Gita.

(Can an initiated devotee attend family functions and cook meat for others? READ HERE!)

So, Getting the taste in dedicated devotion itself is your fortune.

So, a devotee is expected to adopt only the factors that are favorable for his / her devotion.

If anything seems to affect his devotion, a devotee should avoid them.

First, you decide your devotional status – Do you like to become a serious devotee of Krishna that may go up to the level of Krishna Prema, or, just like to be a casual devotee like that boy?

You seem to have interest in practicing the devotional way of life as recommended by Srila Prabhupada, Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu and Sri Rupa Goswami.

You also consider Krishna as husband.

Then, how did you develop this much of attachment with that casual devotee boy who does not care your feelings?

(Why Cultural India is not wealthy, but, meat eating countries are wealthy? READ HERE!)

A devotee of Krishna should be intelligent, not emotional in choosing the associates including the spouse.

That boy seems to have no feelings for you. He is a meat eater. He is just interested in Krishna.

If you have no able family members to arrange your marriage (or) if you have crossed the age of marriage (or) if you have serious doshas in horoscope, there is a justification for your choosing a boy with lower devotional standing. I too have suggested choosing even a devotee of a demigod if he is a vegetarian and good person when you have no other options.

But, here, you have chosen him, but he has not chosen you.

It is not wrong for a devotee girl to choose a boy if he is fit for it and he too likes to cooperates with her devotional life.

But, this boy may not help in the elevation in or atleast to maintain your current devotional status.

Since you marry him without his full interest just by pressurizing him, he may blackmail you saying only you chose me but he did not choose you. So, you may be in an unavoidable situation to go with his choice or way of life in all the matters.

He may force you to cook meat. He may pressurize you for too much of sense gratification. He may treat you as a slave because you marry him without his full interest.

So, a devotee girl should totally stop the association and contact of such guys.

(Is Marriage between a vegetarian and non vegetarian devotee advisable? READ HERE!)

Since you are always thinking of him, he comes in your dreams.

Since you are thinking of his Laddu Krishna also, that Laddu Krishna too came in your dream.

That’s all.

Just because he worships a Laddu Gopal, it does not mean he is a serious devotee, because he is a meat eater and he does not care you.

So, as an intelligent and non emotional girl devotee, just forget him.

Marry a devotee boy who is also following the regulative principles and has some interest in following devotion as a priority in life.

Never go behind an unqualified boy who does not even care your feelings.

If you still like to have interest in marrying him, Read the following Post and get his Promises for your devotional life:

(5 Conditions for a Krishna devotee to marry a Non devotee Meat eater! READ HERE!)

However, still it is risky because he does not have feelings for you and he is a meat eater.

As explained in the above Post, Only if he too likes you and your devotional status and he stops meat eating for you, you can marry him.  Otherwise No.

Therefore, If a devotee Girl marries a casual devotee meat eater, it may not be good.  I hope this may save you from the disappointment and pains in future.

(Risks of a devotee marrying Non-devotees, Meat eater, Drinker, etc! READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.