Is Loving Krishna, but hating the people natural for a devotee?
A male devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:
“My dear anna ji. I love Krishna a lot without boundaries. But, I am frustrated with the selfish people and I hate the people totally. My family people say that I am mentally affected. What to do? Please guide me”
Yes, Loving Krishna, but hating the people is a kind of psychological fixing that has to be addressed.
A matured devotee of God, in particular, Krishna, never hates anyone. He sees even a dog and dog eater with mercy. Because, he knows that Krishna resides in those dogs and dog eaters also.
You may ask: How can Krishna stay in a sinner’s heart?
(I am unable to love Krishna, after I started to love a boy. What to do? READ HERE!)
Krishna is just waiting eagerly for this child to think of Him. But, this sinner is involving in sinful acts again and again. So, Krishna feels for that sinner. Still Krishna is waiting for his change of consciousness, birth after birth.
He is mercifully waiting to uplift him even if that sinner thinks of accepting Krishna even once. But, the sinner forgets Him, as he is very much attached to the enjoyments and engaged in solving his unending problems.
Whatever we desire materially, Krishna’s material nature’s representative maya shows the way and means to achieve it. Maya shows a house even for a thief to steal. She shows a house whose resident has stolen others’ goods in his past births. Thus, Krishna allows this thief to add new karma and the affected person to clear a small part of his past karma.
But, when we get the real knowledge that material happiness is temporary and binding, we will turn to self realization. Once self realization starts automatically God realization also starts.
(How to love Krishna more than family and friends? READ HERE!)
As we realize our real position as an atma, and all the living beings are the part and parcels of Krishna and Krishna lives in all of them, then the bodily discrimination “must” stop. If we still continue bodily discrimination, that means, we have not yet attained perfection in self and god realization.
When we insult an animal, we insult Krishna also. When we insult a person who is working under us in our home or office, that means, we are insulting Krishna also. When we disrespect the devotees of Karthikeya, Ganesha, Shiva, and other religions, that means, we are actually disrespecting the creator and the source Krishna.
So, a true devotee of Krishna never insults anyone and anything.
If any person has partialities and selectiveness in loving others, and if he has hatred with anyone, he can’t “truly” love Krishna.
(Why should we love Krishna If He does not need pleasure from outside? READ HERE!)
He may say outside that he loves Krishna much and some people may believe that. But, Krishna knows how His real devotee will behave. So, Krishna will take some period or give another birth to correct that devotee to love everyone and everything.
Finally, Krishna makes everyone to attain perfection if we just take a single step towards Him. It will happen either in this birth itself or in a few births depending on our present level of contamination.
Love all. Then only, Krishna will get pleased with your love towards Him.
Keep this in mind: You are not at all a matured devotee if you insult ‘anyone’ in life. A devotee of Krishna shows ONLY SATVA GUNA to everyone including animals, birds, insects, etc.
If you claim that you are a devotee of Krishna, but, show hatred to someone or some living being, you are actually spoiling the image of the devotee community.
You may claim yourself as a devotee and make a ‘show’, but, Krishna does not accept your attitude.
He will first take the steps to make your Satva Guna dominant in you and reform you as a humble and merciful devotee.
(How can a devotee love everyone including sinners? READ HERE!)
Thus Krishna will take steps to protect the image of His devotee community.
Only after ascertaining that you have reformed, He brings you closer to Him.
I too have felt this reformation in me for the past three decades. Krishna is always ready to glorify the devotees who glorify Him.
This is the blissful competition between Krishna and His devotees about who glorifies the other person more.
Krishna glorified an insignificant devotee like me and make my preaching service to Him successful. He will glorify all similarly if anyone is sincere in service.
So, Loving Krishna but hating the people shows our immaturity in our devotional life.
Hope you are clear.
(Is the love of two devotees material or spiritual? KNOW HERE!)