Role of Humbleness in Devotional life as said by Srila Prabhupada!
Here are a few teachings by Srila Prabhupada on humbleness:
“Humility means that one should not be anxious to have the satisfaction of being honored by others.”
“When a Krishna Conscious person is elevated to a responsible position, he never becomes puffed up. Just like a tree when over-laden with fruits becomes humble and lower down. Similarly, a great soul in Krishna Consciousness becomes humbler than the grass and bowed down like the fruitful trees because a Krishna Conscious person acts as the agent of Krishna, therefore he discharges his duty with great responsibility.”
“Lord Chaitanya’s philosophy is not to become God but to become servant, of the servant, of the servant, of God.”
“Humbleness is a sign of progress in Krsna Consciousness. A Krsna Conscious person thinks always about himself as the lowest creature in the world, & the more one thinks like that he becomes elevated more & more.”
(Devotees should be Humble, Not Coward! – An Interesting Analysis! READ HERE!)
“If somebody is calling you prabhu, one should not become prabhu & treat others as servants. No! In other words, everyone should feel himself as servant to others.”
“A tree full of ripened fruits bows down naturally, because of the weight of the fruits and its willingness to make its fruits accessible to others”.
“The idea is everyone should try to place himself as if he doesn’t know anything. Then his position is secure. But as soon as he says that I know everything, and I was previously such and such, actually he’s rascal.”
“A real Vaisnava will never say that he is superior to anyone. He will say that he is the lowest of the living entities. If he says that he is superior then actually he’s not superior.”
“Beginning of all knowledge comes from humility.”
“A Vaisnava devotee of Lord Chaitanya always thinks himself as naradhama, the lowest of mankind, although he is narottama, the best of mankind.”
(Being a Humble devotee in temples & Outside – Great Tips! READ HERE!)
“All Vaisnavas not artificially but seriously think themselves as a foolish. The more we remain foolish, the more we remain eager to learn for spiritual advancement.”
“One who feels humble & meek has the door for the Kingdom of God opened for him or her.”
“Be very humble when you plan so that Krishna is happy with you.”
The holy name of Krishna has extraordinary spiritual potency because the name of God is non different from God Himself
Chant these names with love and you will feel the ecstasy:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
(Being submissive to Krishna – How the devotees should express to Krishna? READ HERE!)