Is Multiple Bhawas & Relations with Krishna within the same birth allowed?

Is Multiple Bhawas & Relations with Krishna within the same birth allowed?

A girl devotee (Name hidden) asked like this:

“prabhuji in my childhood, i love Radha krishna as my mother n father bcz i feel the need of parents after that when i was 15 years old i love krishna as my friend bcz in that time i feel the need of friends then when i was 19 i love little krishna as my child now I’M 23 i want to love krishna as my husban bcz i feel that… n when i learn something i feel that krishna is my guru n he teach me that.

bt i try myself to attached with the child form of krishna bt i feel very lacking of husband bt i don’t want any person as my husband without krishna bcz if i love krishna as husband i have no fear of loosing him.

bt now I’m very afraid that where is the guarantee that in future I’ll not want krishna in other form n besides this i have deity of baal gopal n baal radharani so i can’t ignore them for fulfillling my need n can’t start worshipsing jugal murti of radhakrishna… so i very bad can u tell me why i feel this n what to do???”


These considerations of Multiple Bhawas & Relations with Krishna in different ages is natural and not discouraged. There is no doubt in that.

In different stages of your life, you have considered Krishna in different relations.

Let us see some examples for Multiple Bhawas & Relations with Krishna within the same birth:

(1) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a husband (lover) and a guru is possible because a husband is also a guru for a girl.

(2) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a parent and a guru is possible because a parent is also a guru for a girl.

(3) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a husband (lover) and a friend is possible because a husband is also a friend for a girl.

(4) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a parent and a friend is possible because a parent is also a friend for a girl.

(Can we approach Radharani as mother as we approach Krishna in many relations? READ HERE!)


(5) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a husband (lover) and a child may seem to be a conflict.  But, you can consider so in your different ages.

(6) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a husband (lover) and a parent may seem to be a conflict. But, you can consider so in your different ages – in young age and childhood age respectively.

(7) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a guru and a child may seem to be a conflict, but, you can consider so in your different ages.

(8) Considering Krishna simultaneously as a husband (lover) and a child may seem to be a conflict, but, you can consider so in your different ages.

(Can One have Intimate relationship with Krishna in Goloka? READ HERE!)

Let us see some examples:

(1) Gopis considered Krishna as their lover.  Elder Vrajavasis considered Him as a child also.

(2) Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu expressed the bhawa of Radharani towards Krishna.

(3) Arjuna considered Krishna as his friend and also a guru that was possible for him simultaneously.

(4) Draupati considered Krishna like a brother who comes to rescue in time.

(5) Meera, Andal, etc considered Krishna as their lover and husband.

Thus, the devotees have followed a different relationships with Krishna. They were able to concentrate in a single or multiple bhawas.

It is good to consider Krishna in multiple bhawas in different ages.  This will help us to focus on Krishna in a particular bhawa at a time that will lead to faster development in their Prema for Krishna.

So, my suggestion to you is:

Find out which bhawa is more dominant for you. Treat Krishna more in that bhawa.

(How to make and Serve Krishna as our friend? READ HERE!)

You can consider Krishna as a husband since you seem to have that relation dominated. In addition to that, you can consider Him as your guru also.

In my case, Since I was totally reformed as a responsible person ONLY because of Bhagavad Gita, the bhawa of considering Krishna as a GURU is more dominated in me.

However, whenever I see the baby Krishna pic.s and deities, I call Him in different ways like “my sweet boy, my sweety, my naughty boy” like that.

Since Krishna is always supporting me from fall down by giving a helping hand in a subtle way, I feel Him as my Guru more.  However, bhawa of Krishna as a child  comes up whenever I see and read His childhood lilas.

So, for me, Krishna is primarily a guru and He dominates me as a child too.

(Will Krishna treat all as wife if every soul treats Krishna as husband? READ HERE!)

In fact, almost all the devotees will prefer to feel Krishna as their child seeing His Damodara Lilas and other childhood lilas that attracts everyone like magnets.

Therefore, the conclusion is that there is no limit for the Bhawa that we have with Krishna.  Since He is the source of everything, we can not place any limitations in your Bhawa towards Krishna.

Though there can be no limitations for viewing Krishna in different Bhawas,  we should not follow the same type of approach towards the humans.  Some persons may claim themselves as Krishna Himself and seduce the women to be their blind followers.  Every Girl/ woman should be very careful with such rascals who say that they are Krishna and you are like Gopis.  Even recently, ie, in the year of 2021, one such popular guy was arrested and jailed.


My clear message is: 

Develop Prema ONLY for Krishna, not for the preachers and and other guys whoever big guy he may be.  Because all the humans definitely have the tendency to cheat. So, by following blind way of devotion that treats humans as gods, we should not be a catalyst to activate their cheating propensity. If anyone says that he is a God, remember, he is the number one cheater and rascal.

Remember, a True devotee will not like to receive any honour for himself and dedicate those honours to his guru and Krishna, because he always considers himself to be the servant of the servants of Krishna. 

So, stop all your Bhawas with Krishna alone.  he is the only eligible person to receive all those bhawas!

Hope you are clear now about Multiple Bhawas & Relations with Krishna within the same birth.

(5 Primary & 7 Secondary Rasas or Relationships with Krishna by devotees! READ HERE!)

Author: RAJAN

RAJAN from Tamil Nadu, India, a Life Patron and an Initiated Devotee being in ISKCON for nearly three decades, serves anonymously to avoid Prominence and crowd as an insignificant, Humble and Neutral Servant for all the devotees of Krishna! He promotes Social media forums and this blog-website as e-satsangha (e-forums) blessed with Lakhs of followers, to give Spiritual Solutions for all the Material Problems of the devotees since 2011! He writes friendly and practical tips to practice devotion (i) without hurting the followers of other paths, (ii) without affecting the personal and career life, and (iii) without the blind, superstitious and ritualistic approach! He dedicates all the glories and credits to his Guru and Krishna.

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